99 Names of Allah

99 Names of Allah – Asma ul Husna

These 99 Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna) are from the Hadith Shareef (Blessed Sayings) of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), narrated by Hadrat Abu Huraira and reported in the Adhkar of Imam an-Nawawi.

Name/TransliterationTranslationSelected verses from the Quran
AR-RAHMÂNThe Most Compassionate, The Beneficent(1:3)(17:110)(19:58)(21:112)(27:30)(36:52)(50:33)(55:1)(59:22)(78:38)
AR-RAHÎMThe Merciful(2:163)(3:31)(4:100)(5:3)(5:98)(11:41)(12:53)(12:64)(26:9)(30:5)(36:58)
AL-MALIKThe King(20:114)(23:116)(59:23)(62:1)(114:2)
AL-QUDDÛSThe Most Holy(59:23) (62:1)
AS-SALÂMThe All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace(59:23)
AL-MU’MINThe Granter of security(59:23)
AL-MUHAYMINThe Protector(59:23)
AL-‘AZÎZThe Mighty(3:6) (4:158) (9:40) (9:71) (48:7)(59:23) (61:1)
AL-JABBÂRThe Compeller(59:23)
AL-MUTAKABBIRSupreme in Greatness,
The Majestic
AL-KHÂLIQThe Creator(6:102) (13:16) (39:62)(40:62)(59:24)
AL-BÂRI’The Maker(59:24)
AL-MUSAWWIRThe Bestower of form, The Shaper(59:24)
AL-GAFFÂRThe Forgiver(20:82)(38:66)(39:5)(40:42)(71:10)
AL-QAHHÂRThe Subduer(13:16)(14:48)(38:65)(39:4)(40:16)
AL-WAHHÂBThe Bestower(3:8)(38:9)(38:35)
AR-RAZZÂQThe Provider(51:58)
AL-FATTÂHThe Opener, The Judge(34:26)
AL-‘ALÎMThe All-Knowing(2:158)(3:92)(4:35)(24:41)(33:40)(35:38)(57:6)
AL-QÂBIDThe Withholder(2:245)
AL-BÂSITThe Expander(2:245)
AR-RÂFI’The Exalter
AL-MU’IZZThe Bestower of honour(3:26)
AL-MUDHILLThe Humiliator(3:26)
AS-SAMÎ’The All-Hearing(2:127) (2:137) (2:256) (8:17) (49:1)
AL-BASÎRThe All-Seeing(4:58) (17:1) (42:11) (42:27) (57:4) (67:19)
AL-HAKAMThe Judge(22:69)
AL-‘ADLThe Just, The Equitable(6:115)
AL-LATÎFThe Gentle, The Knower of subtleties(6:103) (22:63) (31:16) (33:34) (67:14)
AL-KHABÎRThe All-Aware(6:18) (17:30) (49:13) (59:18) (63:11)
AL-HALÎMThe Forbearing(2:225) (2:235) (17:44) (22:59) (35:41)
AL-‘AZÎMThe Incomparably Great(2:255) (42:4) (56:96)
AL-GAFÛRThe Forgiving(2:173) (8:69) (16:110) (41:32) (60:7)
ASH-SHAKÛRThe Appreciative(35:30) (35:34) (42:23) (64:17)
AL-‘ALIYYThe Most High(2:255) (4:34) (31:30) (42:4) (42:51)
AL-KABÎRThe Most Great(13:9) (22:62) (31:30) (34:23) (40:12)
AL-HAFÎZThe Preserver(11:57) (34:21) (42:6)
AL-MUQÎTThe Sustainer(4:85)
AL-HASÎBThe Reckoner(4:6) (4:86) (33:39)
AL-JALÎLThe Majestic, The Revered, The Sublime
AL-KARÎMThe Generous(27:40) (82:6)
AR-RAQÎBThe Watchful(4:1) (5:117)
AL-MUJÎBThe Responsive(11:61)
AL-WÂSI’The All-Encompassing, The All-Embracing(2:115) (2:261) (2:268) (3:73) (5:54)
AL-HAKÎMThe Wise(2:129) (2:260) (31:27) (46:2) (57:1)
AL-WADÛDThe Loving One(11:90) (85:14)
AL-MAJÎDThe Most Glorious(11:73)
AL-BÂ’ITHThe Resurrector(22:7)
ASH-SHAHÎDThe Witness(4:79)(4:166)(22:17)(41:53)(48:28)
AL-HAQQThe Truth(6:62)(22:6)(23:116)(24:25)(31:30)
AL-WAKÎLThe Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs(3:173) (4:171) (28:28) (33:3) (73:9)
AL-QAWIYYThe Most Strong(22:40)(22:74)(42:19)(57:25)(58:21)
AL-MATÎNThe Firm One, The Authoritative(51:58)
AL-WALIYYThe Protector(3:68) (4:45) (7:196) (42:28) (45:19)
AL-HAMÎDThe All-Praised, The Praiseworthy(14:1) (14:8) (31:12) (31:26) (41:42)
AL-MUHSÎThe Reckoner
AL-MUBDI’The Originator(10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)
AL-MU’ÎDThe Restorer to life(10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)
AL-MUHThe Giver of life(3:156) (7:158) (15:23)(30:50)(57:2)
AL-MUMÎTThe Causer of death(3:156) (7:158) (15:23) (57:2)
AL-HAYYThe Ever-Living(2:255)(3:2)(20:111)(25:58)(40:65)
AL-QAYYÛMThe Self-Existing by Whom all subsist(2:255) (3:2) (20:111)
AL-WÂJIDThe Self-Sufficient, The All-Perceiving(38:44)
AL-MÂJIDThe Glorified
AL-WÂHIDThe One(2:163) (5:73) (9:31) (18:110) (37:4)
ASSAMADThe Eternally Besought(112:2)
AL-QÂDIRThe Omnipotent, The Able(6:65) (36:81) (46:33) (75:40) (86:8)
AL-MUQTADIRThe Powerful(18:45) (54:42) (54:55)
AL-MUQADDIMThe Expediter
AL- MU’AKHKHIRThe Delayer(71:4)
AL-AWWALThe First(57:3)
AL-ÂKHIRThe Last(57:3)
AZZÂHIRThe Manifest(57:3)
AL-BÂTINThe Hidden(57:3)
AL-WÂLÎThe Governor, The Protector
AL-MUTA’ÂLÎThe Most Exalted(13:9)
AL-BARRThe Benign, The Source of All-Goodness(52:28)
AT-TAWWÂBThe Granter and Accepter of repentence(2:37) (2:128) (4:64) (49:12) (110:3)
AL- MUNTAQIMThe Lord of Retribution, The Avenger(32:22) (43:41) (44:16)
AL-‘AFUWWThe Pardoner(4:99) (4:149) (22:60)
AR-RA’ÛFThe Most Kind, The Clement(2:143) (3:30) (9:117) (57:9) (59:10)
MÂLIK-UL-MULKOwner of the Kingdom(3:26)
DHUL JALÂL WAL IKRÂMPossessor of Majesty and Honour(55:27) (55:78)
AL-MUQSITThe Just, The Equitable
AL-JÂMIThe Gatherer(3:9)
AL-GHANIYYThe All-Sufficient(2:263) (3:97) (39:7) (47:38) (57:24)
AL-MUGHNÎThe Enricher(9:28)
AL-MÂNI’The Preventer of harm
ADDÂRRThe Afflicter
AN-NÂFI’The Benefiter
AN-NÛRThe Light(24:35)
AL-HÂDÎThe Guide(25:31)
AL-BADÎ’The Originator(2:117) (6:101)
AL-BÂQÎThe Everlasting(55:27)
AL-WÂRITHThe Ultimate Inheritor(15:23)
ASSABÛRThe Patient One


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